
Adelaide String Duo

House Concerts in and around Adelaide
Adelaide String Duo

Don’t want to go to the music? Why not have the music come to you?

Grab some chairs, gather your friends, pour the wine and we’ll do the rest!

Our standard house-concert format is a one hour duration for a fee of $550 in the Adelaide metropolitan area. And for a little travel money we’re happy to drive all over South Australia. We’re like a classical version of Uber eats! We’ll also come and play at your office, factory, retirement village, house of worship or warehouse (or anywhere really) to create some new memories.

We will play popular selections from our repertoire including your special requests.

For a longer concert with some variation we can also break out into Two Hearts Duo mode, or even offer our flagship (multi-award-winning!) String Fever show. Check out our various concert packages with pricings here.

Or watch segments from a few very different house concerts on YouTube here.



A private house concert may be just your thing if:

  • You’re a music lover but a real homebody
  • You hate traffic
  • You’re looking for an informal, unique and unforgettable night to share with your friends
  • You (or a loved one) have trouble leaving home for health reasons
  • You want a unique and motivating in-office/factory experience for your staff
  • You love the thought of a string quartet but don’t have the space or budget
  • You want to show off your extremely good taste in music 🙂

.. to mention just a few.

Give us a call or email to talk about a house concert or other private performance throughout South Australia. We love to chat!

We’ve also created a house concert friendly version of our Elton John tribute act Elton by Brenton – we’ll bring the piano 🙂

Words can’t express my gratitude for your fantastic performance today. Mum was delighted, as were the family and neighbours.

Paul H, Gawler SA